
Yoshida is a male with dark-brownish hair who was formerly a member of Naoto Kozuki's resistance team before aligning himself with the Black Knightsin which he is involved in the provision of logistical support. He often wears a short-sleeved version of the Black Knights' uniform's jacket. During the first Assault on Tokyo Settlement, he and three others were operating a Raikōwhen Suzaku in the Lancelot destroyed the legs of each of the units, causing it to fall and explode, killing them.

Character History~

First SeasonYoshida's first appearance is with the other members of Naoto Kozuki's resistance team during the assault at Shinjuku Ghetto. He later appears when the Black Knights make their first appearance.
During the assault on the Tokyo Settlement, Yoshida and three other members of the Black Knights were operating a Raiko and by using it's Super Electromagnetic Shrapnel Cannon destroys some Britannian forces. When Suzaku appears with his Lancelot looking for Zero, Yoshida and the others try to fire another shot. However, Suzaku cuts it in half with his Maser Vibration Sword and then proceeds to destroy the Raiko's legs of each of the units, causing it to fall and explode killing Yoshida.